Warren Thompson

Warren Thompson

I have developed an appreciation for watercolors and enjoy the challenge, the movement and light.
I continue to learn and grow into other mediums: oil, acrylic and photography.

Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. - Confucius
If you hear a voice within you say, you cannot paint, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.-Vincent Van Gogh
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4,000 + Images to pick from...Have Fun. 88 + Galleries.

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Snow Canyon Color in Utah based on my photo. 22" X 15" Watercolor on Fabrino paper. Tried to start with a better drawing and about a 3 hour project

Tahoe Serentity - 9 X 12 Watercolor based on my photo "Reflections on Lake Tahoe." 300. Original

Tahoe Memories - 9 X 12 Watercolor - Several different angles of Crystal Bay on North Lake Tahoe. The pine remains strong even with its roots washed out. There is a hole in the rock formation that was like an optical illusion. The water is so clear with the beautiful aqua color.

Tahoe Color 2 - 9 X 12 Watercolor inspired by an ad and our recent trip. Revised with added values on 5/25/23. Think I like the stronger contrast better.
300. Original

Imaginary Falls 5X7 Watercolor - Revised with rock and falls highlights and a better photo. Painted on vacation in Branson Missouri. 225.Original

Contemplation - We are but an atom in the cosmos. 5X7 Watercolor. Idea from an educational ad that I changed and added to. 225.Original

Soft Sunset - Sunset over west Marion County Fl. from 2/4/20.
8 X 10 Oil on canvas. Wet on wet and working with a soft brush for blending.
250. Original

The Pillars of Creation - 9 X 12 Watercolor inspired by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. 300. Original

Seven Sisters White Cliffs - The Seven Sisters overlooking the English Channel in the area of Dover, Kent county, United Kingdom. 9 X 12 Watercolor.
The beautiful cliffs that were formed some 90 million years ago are white because of their chalk composition, which is particularly vulnerable to erosion.
For millennia, wide beaches helped slow down erosion, but over the past 150 years, the beach that protected the White Cliffs of Dover has disappeared.
According to the study, before the mid 1800s, the cliffs eroded at a rate of up to two inches per year, dating back roughly 7,000 years. About 150 years ago, however, the rate increased to 8 to 12 inches per year.

Sunrise Over Glen St. Mary Florida on 8/13/22 - 9 X 12 Watercolor.

Columbia River Gorge - In Oregon with Vista House atop of Crown Point. Wet on wet 8 X 10 in oil. Changed it up, added some distant mountains. Brush and knife. Original

Overlook Along the Columbia and Snake Rivers - 9 X 12 Watercolor with a referance from a tourist ad. Not sure of the location but may have a lighthouse. If you know the location please share. On my bucket list someday.

Warren Thompson left a comment on the picture Inselträume
Warren Thompson left a comment on the picture Die Toscana
”Beautiful landscape.“
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Warren Thompson is now following Rena Rady

Die Kunst ist zwar nicht das Brot, wohl aber der Wein des Lebens. Jean Paul
Willkommen in meiner Galerie ......
Schön, daß Ihr mich entdeckt habt, :-) nehmt Euch ein bißchen Zeit.....
In meiner Galerie präsentiere ich realistische und besondere Kunstwerke für ihr Haus, Geschäft, Restaurants , Cafe und Praxisräume.
Meine Kunstwerke male ich in Acryl und Aquarell, experimentiere mit kraftvollen Farben .
Es ist für mich immer wieder eine große Herausforderung, mit Themen ,Farben ,Effekten und Materialien..... zu kreieren und zu experimentieren. Da lasse ich mich gerade so treiben und nehme gerne Fotos aus der Natur.
Tauchen Sie mit mir in eine magische Farbenwelt und entfliehen sie für einen Moment dem Alltag.
Mit Liebe, Herz, Seele und Leidenschaft bringe ich mich ein und verarbeite Stimmungen,Sehnsüchte und Emotionen.
Zu sehen sind Landschaften,Blumen,Stilleben,Lifestil,Energiebilder,Colla-
gen,sowie auch Fotografien.
Originale könnt Ihr übrigens hier erstehen !
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Schöne Zeit Rena Rady

Warren Thompson left a comment on the picture Green Bridge
Warren Thompson is now following Juergen Seidt

Abstraction breathes new life into my pictures.
Some have their very own karma.
Some subjects stand out with their own flair and need only to be caught by camera.

Enjoy !

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